
getting the OSG installed and built from source on a fresh machine.

This advice is slightly dated, originally intended for 8.10, plus I'm not sure what half of it means, lol. I'm keeping it for reference, mainly because of the part concerning getting the appropriate proprietary driver for the nVidia 8400.


Head to this thread in the OSG Forum and scroll down a few posts for what the poster describes this way:

"Below is the an extract of a script file that I use as a template for
getting the OSG installed and built from source on a fresh machine.
It's written long winded to enable me to add the commentary about what
is being installed to do what. You can put all the packages on to a
single apt-get line. The only line you might need to vary is nvidia
packages - as these only apply to Nvidia cards with the proprietary
drivers. "

Thanks to
Robert Osfield, OSG Forum member, for his helpful post.

This line I could not use:
sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177-dev libglu-dev

I instead did a google search and found that nvidia-glx-180 was appropriate for the nVidia geforce 8400 series cards, and I used the Synaptic Package Manager to perform that installation. (A simple search for glx nVidia inside of Synaptic)

This line and some others I will have to look into in the future, when I get deeper into developing with OSG:

# image libs
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev

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