
QTreeView in QML question (posted to Qt Developer Network too)

UPDATE:  See my later post here for the answer(s) to this question.  Or at least a start.

Hello everybody.  Help!  I'm trying to incorporate a Model/View into an application using QTreeView, QFileSystemModel and qmlRegisterType to create the QTreeView plugin.

If my main.qml looks like this:

import QtQuick 1.1
import TreeView_Plugin 1.0

    TreeView {
        id: myTreeView
        allColumnsShowFocus: true


I get a QTreeView displayed looking like this:

However, when my main.qml looks like this:

import QtQuick 1.1
import TreeView_Plugin 1.0

Rectangle {
    width: 400
    height: 400

    TreeView {
        id: myTreeView
        allColumnsShowFocus: true

All I get is this...

I am not able to insert the "TreeView" into the rest of my QML and I can't figure out why.
If I try to add a property change to x, y, width or height, for example:

    TreeView {
        id: myTreeView
        x: 15
        y: 15
        allColumnsShowFocus: true

I get error:  Invalid property assignment: "x" is a read-only property

Of course I will post plenty more code if someone thinks they might be able to help.

The application already uses a QDeclarativeView with an OpenGL backend like so:

QGLWidget *glWidget = new QGLWidget(this); 

There is of course a bit more code involving setting the FileSystemModel, etc, but I don't believe it is relevant.  I am really quite baffled here.  Obviously, I need the QTreeView to show within the rest of my QML or there really is no point.

If anyone could point me to a way to do this, I would very much appreciate it.  I'm pretty new to Qt and I readily admit that I sometimes have no idea what is going on "under the hood", especially when it comes to the whole MOC file paradigm.

Whatever way I can get this done is fine with me.  I really thought the plugin (qmlRegisterType) method was the way to go, because I'm using it to create an OpenGL window for animations in a separate part of the app, but, as you can see, it ain't working.

Thanks for your help!
UPDATE  2012-07-13:
I received an answer in the Qt Dev Forums.  Here's a link.
This looks promising, because I was already thinking I would probably have to wrap the class/object in another object in order to get QDeclarativeView to accept it.

What I did not see until after I posted this yesterday, is that QtCreator is producing a warning when I run the first example above (the one WITH the QTreeView displayed).  I don't have it in front of me but it was something along the lines of QDeclarativeView only supports objects derived from QGraphicsObject.  QTreeWidget is NOT a QGraphicsObject, it is derived from QWidget.

I'll let you know what I get working.

I know it's a bit odd posting a question like this, but now you can see the sort of process I go through on a daily basis in the world of programming.  The eternally nooborn, learning never ends.  (did I just coin a word?)

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